[A2VeganPotlucks] March 9 Plant-Based Potluck

JJ McKillop finnabar at gmail.com
Thu Feb 29 16:55:38 CST 2024

The next Yummy Plant-Based Potluck is Saturday, March 9th, 12 noon-2:00.
There is no theme, unless you want to bring green food in honor of St.
Patrick’s Day!

The Yummy Plant-Based Potlucks are for everyone to enjoy eating meals
without animal products and to share recipes.

Come for your health, animals’ health, and climate health. Everyone is

Bring a no-animal-products (vegan) dish to pass, place settings, and recipe
or ingredients list.

No need to RSVP, just show up with food to share and join in the feast!
Some people will be bringing vegan salt-oil-sugar-free.
Potlucks are sponsored by VegUUAA, part of the Food Justice Team.

Future potlucks are 12 noon - 2:00pm on 4/13 and 5/11.

Potluck Location: Social Hall at

First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor

4001 Ann Arbor-Saline Road

Ann Arbor, MI 48103-8739

Questions? Write to A2VeganPotlucksInfo at uuaa.org


JJ McKillop
(Sue and Larry will be away for this one)
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