April 30th Meeting Notice – Special Congregational Meeting

April 30th Meeting Notice – Special Congregational Meeting

Sunday April 30, 10:30am – 12:30pm, online only (the UUAA Building is closed on this day)

On Sunday, April 30 there will be a live streamed service at 10:30am followed by a Special Congregational Meeting at 11:00am (running through 12:30pm) All UUAA members and friends are invited to attend. Note that only UUAA members may vote at the meeting. (This is a special meeting, not our Annual Meeting, which will take place in June)

Register here to watch the service and participate in the meeting

Meeting check-in:  10:15 am (no later than 10:30 am, please!)
Abbreviated Sunday Service:  10:30 am
Congregational Meeting:  11:00 am

Purpose of this Meeting

There are two main new business agenda items to bring to the congregation

  1. A vote on an expenditure for solar panels, per our Capital Campaign.
  2. To share comments and thoughts about the proposed changes to Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Bylaws Article II.


To register to attend the meeting click here.  

If you cannot attend and wish to vote absentee on the resolution to authorize the purchase of new solar panels,
please download the Absentee Ballot and follow the instructions on page 2 of the document.

Meeting Materials

Please review the following materials ahead of the meeting.

  1. Rules of procedure
  2. January’s UUAA Winter Meeting minutes (for congregational approval). 
  3. Information about the purchase of new solar panels (per the Capital Campaign) that will be presented and explained with time for questions at the meeting before voting on the expenditure.

    Article II Information
  4. Note from our Board President, Laura Johnstone, regarding Article II.
  5. You may want to watch this thoughtful informational YouTube video to fully understand the proposed Article II changes.  It was created by the Commission that proposed the changes.
  6. A side-by-side presentation of Article II, as it is now versus how it would read with the proposed changes.