2020-21 UUAA Annual Meeting, June 6, 2021, 11:30 am

Use this link to REGISTER for the 2021 Annual Meeting and Elections, which will take place via Zoom.
Please read the following information ahead of the meeting so that you can be prepared to vote on the slate and bylaw changes. If you are a member of UUAA and cannot attend the meeting, you can vote by absentee ballot.
ABSENTEE BALLOT – We encourage all members to attend the June 6th meeting. If you are a UUAA Member and unable to attend and would like to vote by absentee ballot, please download the June 6th Absentee Ballot form, mark your ballot, sign it and return it using the instructions on the 2nd page. Please note that if amendments to the wording of these issues are made during the meeting, absentee votes cannot be counted.