July Plant-Based Potluck 

July Plant-Based Potluck 

Saturday, July 13, noon – 2:00pm, Social Hall

The Yummy Plant-Based Potlucks are for you if you can eat at least one meal a month without animal products and share the recipe Come for your health, climate health, and animals’ lives. Everyone is welcome.

  • Bring a plant-based dish (no animal products) to pass, your own place settings, and the recipe.
  • Some people will bring plant-based dishes that have no salt, oil, or sugar; others eat no gluten.
  • No need to RSVP; just show up with food to share and join in the feast.
  • Future potlucks (usually second Saturday of the month) are scheduled for August 10, and September 14, and October 19 (exception: third Saturday of the month), noon to 2:00 pm.