New UUAA Sunderland Library Guidelines

New UUAA Sunderland Library Guidelines

Survey Results

New UUAA Sunderland Library Guidelines

Relying heavily on the work of the most recent past Library Committee, the current committee has adopted the following policy for the current Sunderland Library collection and future additions that may be made through donations or purchases: 

UUAA Sunderland Library Collection Guidelines  

Library materials will focus on topics that received significant support in the survey taken by the congregation and friends in 2024. These are: 

  • titles that relate to Unitarian Universalism in general
  • titles that relate to our UUAA priority areas (radical welcome, climate action/climate justice, anti-racism/anti-oppression
  •  inspirational titles with relevance to UUism (poetry, meditation, contemplation)
  • titles by UUAA authors

Titles may be intended for adults, youth, and/or children.

The Library Committee will review the current collection and any donated items for inclusion in the collection based on the criteria stated above. To guide selections, consideration will be given to the UUAA congregation and its many committees, including Pastoral Care, the overall quality of the work, publisher, timeliness of information, and space constraints.

The actual work on the collection will begin in July. Books culled from the collection will be placed on a table in the social hall for your adoption. Books not taken by members and friends of the congregation will be donated to a worthy organization. For more information, contact any of the members of the Library Committee: Cathy Whitaker, Anne Ramsey, Sandy Kunkle, debita graham, and Dan Carlton (