Sept 1st Sunday Service
Sunday September 1st, One Service at 10:30am, in person and online at
After Service Social Hour , 11:30 in the Social Hall
Labors of Love
Join us this Sunday as we reflect on the meaning we humans find through all kinds of professional vocations and callings. Sometimes straight away and sometimes through choices that don’t work out, we humans can take anywhere from a moment to a lifetime discovering who we are and how we wish to meaningfully express ourselves through “work” (however defined). This Labor Day weekend we explore the positive contributions we can each make through our effort, or work, and the unexpected and meaningful experiences that can happen along the way.
A reminder that we return to 2 services on Sept. 8, with our annual water communion ingathering service. Worship services will be at 9:30 and 11:30.
A PDF version of the order of service is available by Saturday of each week at [use the electronic version to help UUAA with our Zero Waste goal.]