Memory Cafe at UUAA

Memory Cafe at UUAA

Tuesday, December 3, 2:00pm – 4:00pm, Social Hall (also 12/18; 12/31)

Memory Cafes allow people experiencing memory loss and a loved one to connect, socialize, and build new support networks. Come late, leave early, come once, come each time, participate or just observe. Everyone is welcome. The program is divided in two parts by a social and a snack time. Upcoming Memory Cafe dates are Tuesday, December 3, Wednesday, December 18, and Tuesday, December 31. Come! Experience the fun and joy to be had by all. 

Volunteers are welcome and needed in the large space of the Social Hall. Come early or at 2:00pm and stay awhile or until the end, or arrive early and help set up. It might be your most fun volunteer experience. The greatest need at this time is watching for wanderers, who can easily become lost in our building. If you would like to help in any way, contact