Rides! Meals! Pastoral Care Needs Your Help

Rides! Meals! Pastoral Care Needs Your Help

What can I do? This question has come up even more frequently as we face the challenges of a new federal administration. When so much seems overwhelming, committing to help in small concrete ways is a good way to start. 

One very concrete thing you can do is offer a ride to those who may not otherwise be able to get to a Sunday service. Here is a link to the ride form; please consider filling it out and adding your name to the team of drivers. Filling out the form does not obligate you to give a ride; it is just to indicate you are able to do so from time to time.  

Also, consider offering a meal from time to time for someone in need. Here is the meal train link. You will receive a message when a meal is needed, and then you can choose to sign up or not.   

Thank you in advance for your support of our beloved community. Questions — pastoralcare@uuaa.org