WomUUn’s Council Retreat: Call for Workshop Leaders

WomUUn’s Council Retreat: Call for Workshop Leaders

Look for the WomUUn’s Council Table in the Social Hall (Retreat 9/26)

It’s time to build our “Village of Hope,” the theme of the 2025 WomUUn’s Retreat. The retreat will be held September 26 through September 28, at YMCA Camp Copneconic, in Fenton. Would you like to lead a 60-minute workshop, or do you have an idea with a contact person who can make it happen? Please share this information with the Retreat Activity Planning Committee by submitting a brief descriptive written proposal either at WomUUnsRetreat@UUAA.org (attention: Tina DeGeorge) or by stopping by the WomUUn’s Council table in the Social Hall.