Board of Trustees

Governance of UUAA is overseen by a 9 member elected Board of Trustees (Board). The Board has two primary responsibilities: 1- Vision: prioritizing and communicating the vision created by the Congregation and 2- Oversight: monitoring the financial health and the overall operations of UUAA. The Board delegates responsibility for implementing vision and healthy operational practices to the Senior Minister.

You can contact all BOT members by emailing .

Currently serving the UUAA Congregation

Henrike Florusbosch photo
Henrike Florusbosch photo

Henrike Florusbosch


Pete Mooney

Vice President

Kate VanHorn


Joe Libin photo
Joe Libin photo

Joe Libin


Jeff Poliner photo
Jeff Poliner photo

Jeff Poliner

Trustee at…

Kyla Boyse
Kyla Boyse

Kyla Boyse

Trustee at…

KT Doud
KT Doud

KT Doud

Trustee at…

David Kohn

Trustee at…

Glenn Kime

Trustee At…

Board Meetings

You Can Attend a Board Meeting…

Board meetings are always open to observers. You will be asked not to make comments, please observe only.

Use this link to REGISTER to observe a Board meeting.

To attend and also address the Board on a governance topic, you can send a request to the UUAA President at least 1 week in advance of the meeting. Please provide the topic you wish to speak about. You will have up to 5 minutes to address the Board. The Board will usually not respond to the issue you present at the meeting, but will listen and give the issue consideration at a future meeting.

To view Board of Trustees meeting dates and agendas, use this link:

Board of Trustees Rolling Agenda…


View minutes from past board meeting:






[older minutes are available, contact the BOT]