Go to India with Us to Visit Unitarians and “Our” School

Go to India with Us to Visit Unitarians and “Our” School

UUAA’s connection to Unitarians in India began long ago in 1898 when our minister, Jabez Sunderland, took the arduous trip to northeast India to meet them. Years later in 2001, Eva Cameron, UUAA’s assistant minister, renewed that friendship when she and her family spent her sabbatical there. The Sponsor-a-Student Program evolved out of that trip.  Annually UUAA congregants support 100 students with sponsorships that provide books and supplies, uniforms, supplements to teachers’ meager salaries, and school lunches—all with just $50 sponsorships. Visit our table in the Social Hall on May 19 to renew sponsorships, sign up to sponsor a student, and ask about our upcoming October trip to visit the school and town. For information contact Khasihills@uuaa.org.