Green Corner: It’s Your Choice

Green Corner: It’s Your Choice

There are lots of ways to fight climate change; all have their benefits.

  • Individual actions: Small steps you take—e.g., reducing meat/dairy intake or buying food in bulk to avoid plastic packaging—will have ripple effects. As others see your actions, they are encouraged to make similar changes.
  • Group actions: The more people, the greater the impact. Join or organize a local recycling event, get your book group to read a book about climate change, join UUAA’s Year Zero activities, organize neighbors to compost, or share lawn care tools.
  • Meta level: Work toward system change. Write/call your representatives repeatedly about climate concerns. Get involved and attend local meetings.  

All levels are meaningful, and we must act; we can’t just hope someone else will fix things.

Have an action idea? Send it to!

Have an action idea? Send it to!