Green Corner: Starting In Our Own Back (and Front) Yards

Green Corner: Starting In Our Own Back (and Front) Yards

As the effects of climate change accelerate, it’s easy to get discouraged. Lifestyle changes are needed on a massive scale, and it’s hard to see how our individual actions can make a difference. But while we wait for our leaders to make the major changes, there are things we can – and should – do. Whether you do your own yard work or hire a service, choices we make about yard care can make a huge difference.

This Spring:

Ditch the gas mower and leaf blower. Per the EPA, one hour of gas-powered mowing = carbon footprint of 100-mile car trip. Electric tools are quieter, cleaner, greener. Rakes and old-fashioned non-motorized mowers work well, too. Beyond being polluting, leaf blowers destroy micro-habitats.

Go No-Mow. Replace all or part of your lawn with ground cover or native species. Ground covers such as thyme, clover, or moss are hardy and very low-maintenance. Plant a native perennial garden – Flowering native plants are also hardy, beautiful, and provide much-needed habitat for bees and other helpful insects.

Reduce watering. Grass will develop deeper roots if watered deeply and less often. Use rain barrels and soaker hoses. Early morning watering decreases evaporation.

Stop using artificial fertilizers and pesticides. They’re bad for the environment and just aren’t needed.

Switch to an eco-friendly lawn service. There are several in our area. Just DO it! Make this the year that your corner of the world helps – instead of adding to – the problems. Every bit helps, and if not us, then WHO?

Resources: (Here’s a Better Way to Care for Your Yard) (First Thing we’ll do, Let’s Kill All the Leafblowers) (Six Ways To Transform Your Lawn Into An Eco-friendly Oasis) (Bee-Friendly and Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Grass)