Green Sanctuary 2030- UUAA Climate Actions

Since completing our Climate Action Plan in 2022, UUAA created reports on our many climate activities that reduce our carbon footprint (mitigation), help UUAA and our community adapt and thrive in a changing climate (resilience), help others in our community address harm caused by climate changes (climate justice) and change ourselves and our UUAA community in ways that help all of us build climate work into our lives and work (transformation).

Action Reports Submitted to Green Sanctuary 2030 as of 9/24

Year Zero Initiative- combining Zero Carbon/ Zero Waste Goals
Solar Panel Installations!, May 2024
Solar Story Board explaining solar history
Zero Waste Initiative – Composting service, ceramic mugs and much more
Fiber Arts Waste Not and Want Not Recycling Program
Habitat for Humanity Home Weatherization Project
2024 Earth Day– Seed giveaway, nature art show, kids projects…
2023 Earth Day- Pollinator gardens, nature art & poetry show, solar info…
A2 Climate Teach-in 2023 (>200 community members attended)
A2 Climate Teach-in 2024 (>200 community members attended)
Green Corner Column in Weekly News with environmental tips
Vegan Potlucks
Movie Discussion Current Revolution (provided by IPL) 2023
Indigenous Harvest Dinner 2023
Make Food Not Waste Volunteers 2023
A2P2 Forum February, 2023
Robert Breakey Talk on Plant Based Diets
2023 Climate Potluck and Organic Garden Tour
Co-hosted 23-24 “Reducing Your Carbon Footprint” webinars open to community
Ancestors Grove native trees
Memorial Garden native plants & pollinator plants
Eco-Tours & map of UUAA that spotlight environmental features
Hosts for Ann Arbor multi-faith ‘Green Groups’ June 2024- presentation on vision
2023 – GS2030 Presentation UUAA Culture Change/ UUAA Vision

… and more to come!