UUSC Fair Trade Sales Group
Contact Info: uusc-coffee@uuaa.org
The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) Fair Trade Sales Group sells Equal Exchange organic coffee, tea, chocolate, nuts, and other products every Sunday in the social hall. Come visit our table to check out our quality products.
We are an ongoing fundraiser for UUSC's social justice programs as well for our church and have raised thousands of dollars for UUAA since we began in 2002. This project embraces the vision of human rights by allowing UUAA to join hands with UUSC to work for fair wages for small farmers around the world and by granting start-up loans to small entrepreneurs, many of whom are women. Our team is part of efforts to secure economic, social, and environmental justice.
You might consider joining our friendly, volunteer sales team. Newcomers are welcome and will be paired with an experienced person as they learn the ropes and talk with those who come to our table Sunday after Sunday to stock their own kitchens and buy gifts for friends.