We are committed to building partnerships that make our community and world more just, compassionate, democratic, and sustainable. Find out how you can get involved.

Michigan UU Social Justice Network (MUUSJN)
The Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network is a state-wide network of people, including representatives of Michigan UU churches and fellowships, who work together for justice.
Their mission is to foster the worth and dignity of people by promoting social justice and community activities.
- Take Positions – Through democratic processes, take progressive moral positions on justice issues.
- Educate – Inform and train members on justice issues.
- Build Community – Build a statewide community of advocates who help make and implement Network decisions.
- Build Power – Mobilize members, congregations and communities to act on issues.
- Make Change – Help make progressive policy changes in Michigan & outside our State.
Contact: Randy Block, Network manager, 248-549-5170, randyblock@yahoo.com

Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice
The Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, (ICPJ) is a community based interfaith organization whose mission is to empower people of faith and of conscience to act on their religious or moral values to build a better world. Our congregation works with ICPJ on local issues related to peace, nonviolent training, racial justice, and others. Meeting times of six program areas are listed on their website www.icpj.net
- Hunger – Organizes the CROP Hunger Walk to address hunger locally and around the world. CROP Hunger Walk Planning Committee meets once per month.
- Latin America – Opposes U.S. militarism in Latin America, especially by the U.S. School of the Americas/WHINSEC, a military training institute in Ft. Benning, GA. Meets every month at different locations.
- Racial & Economic Justice – Explores ways to confront racism and promote justice for the poor in our community. Meets monthly at the ICPJ Office, 1414 Hill St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
- Climate Change and Earth Care – Works with religious and community groups to stop global warming and promote environmental protection. Meets monthly at the ICPJ Office, 1414 Hill St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
- One Human Family Campaign– Addresses issues of immigration and refugee resettlement through 4 sub-groups: political action, bystander intervention training, understanding relationships, and direct service.
ICPJ also has volunteer service opportunities for phoning, database entry, mailings, etc.; for information go to www.icpj.net.

Unitarian Universalist Association
Unlike many denominations, Unitarian Universalists are democratically-run congregations. Our national organization, the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, does not assign ministers or give directives to congregations. It serves as an invaluable resource to member congregations. UUAA is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA) which represents the interests of more than one thousand Unitarian Universalist congregations in North America.
The UUA grew out of the 1961 consolidation of two religious denominations: the Universalists, organized in 1793, and the Unitarians, organized in 1825. For more information, visit the UUA web site.
Every year in June, our congregation sends delegates to the UUA’s General Assembly meeting to vote on issues, attend workshops and learn and worship together with UUs from all over the country. Learn more about General Assembly.
Denominational Connections Team
If you would like information about the Unitarian Association (UUA) or about the UUA’s annual gathering, General Assembly (GA), you can contact the Denominational Connections Team (DCT) at: denomination@uuaa.org.

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee is an independent human rights organization. UUSC works to advance economic justice, promote environmental justice, defend civil liberties, and protect the rights of vulnerable people in humanitarian crises.
Our work is grounded in UU principles and made possible by the activism and generous support of our 47,000 members. At UUAA we have about 130 UUSC members. All the work we do in the United States and around the world relies on the support of memberships. UUSC is an Associate member of the UUA, but receives no funds from them. In addition to the annual “Guest at Your Table” fund raiser, UUSC makes special appeals in the event of crises and natural disasters. For more information, visit the UUSC web site.