Lay leaders are an essential part of our Congregation. The Leadership Development Team is a standing committee reporting to the UUAA Board of Trustees. The LDT nurtures, recognizes, and celebrates all leaders at UUAA.
LDT activities include
● Ongoing recruitment of Board Trustees candidates
● Providing the Board with a slate of vetted Trustee nominations in advance of the annual Congregational Meeting
● Monthly meetings to discuss progress with goals and activities
● Hosting events to recognize existing leaders, promote networking, and recruit new leaders
● Providing leadership resources and training
Interested in Serving on the Board of Trustees?
Now is a good time to help guide UUAA into the future, working alongside UUAA ministers, staff and lay leaders. The Board reviews and improve policies, oversees development of the congregation’s strategic plans, and monitors high-level operational activities. At UUAA, we celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion, and we are dedicated to recruiting leaders who will apply UUAA Core Values and principles to leading our Congregation.
If you are interested in learning about becoming a UUAA Board member, you can read the specific roles and responsibilities. You are always welcome to attend a Board meeting to observe the Board in action.
If you wish to nominate yourself or another person for the Leadership Development Team or Board of Trustees, please email with the name and contact information of both the potential nominee and yourself.
You can learn about the LDT’s process for selecting candidates for the ballot by viewing this PDF document.
Current Leadership Development Team Members
Members are elected/appointed per the UUAA bylaws (see Article VII, Section 1) and serve two-year terms ending in June of their final year.
Mission: The Leadership Development Team helps nurture leaders in the UUAA community. They attract new and existing volunteers, fostering congregational leadership by offering educational opportunities, materials, and classes on how to be an effective lay leader. They are responsible for recruiting members to run for the Leadership Development Team and the Board of Trustees
Contact the LDT: email
(Please allow 2-3 days for a response from our volunteer team.)