Oct 6th Sunday – two services

Oct 6th Sunday – two services

Sunday October 6th, Two Services at 9:30am and 11:30am, in person and online at https://uuaa.org/service
After Service Social Hours, 10:30am and 12:30pm in the Social Hall

Fueling the Energy of Action

Each fall the Jewish faith honors the high holy days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, during which one’s future can be inscribed in the Book of Life. In a similar way, we define UUAA’s future each fall through our annual stewardship campaign. How might our personal commitments to UUAA fuel the future that Washtenaw County, and our wider world, need? Join us this Sunday as we honor the ‘energy of action’ that we each help bring alive together!

A PDF version of the order of service is available by Saturday of each week at https://uuaa.org/oos [use the electronic version to help UUAA with our Zero Waste goal.]