Planned or legacy gifts are generally bequests from people who remembered UUAA in their wills and estate plans. Since 2005, UUAA has received nearly $1 million from planned gifts. That money has been used to reduce the mortgage, improve our building and land, make grants through the Jackson Social Welfare Fund, and get our community through even the most challenging times.
If you’ve put off your estate planning, you’re not alone. Maybe it seems too complicated, or you think your “estate” is too small to matter. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Like spirituality itself, planned giving is an opportunity to think about what is of ultimate value to you and to put those values into action. And like religious community, together we can accomplish more than we ever could alone.
Ways to Give
Many types of planned gifts are available. Your attorney or financial planner can help you choose what’s best for you. Examples include:
- Making a bequest in a will, living trust, life insurance policy, or retirement account
- Giving the asset now and receiving income for life (charitable remainder trust)
- Giving property while retaining the right to use it during your lifetime
- Making an outright gift of cash, securities, or real estate
Sunderland Society
When you make a commitment for a planned gift to UUAA, you become a member of the Sunderland Society, named in honor of our forebears, Jabez and Eliza Sunderland. Jabez Sunderland was the Ann Arbor congregation’s minister from 1878-1898. While serving as Jabez’s informal co-minister, Eliza earned her PhD at the University of Michigan and taught religion there for 17 years. Together, they fought for women’s rights, created our link with Unitarians in the Khasi Hills of India, and firmly positioned our congregation for growth.
If you’re interested in joining the Sunderland Society, or have other questions about planned giving, contact the Planned Giving Team at:
Why We Give

UUAA has been a source of spiritual nourishment and musical community, in addition to being a beacon for social justice. I want the congregation to continue to enrich the lives of future generations.
—Brandy Sinco

“It is our responsibility to make sure our children, grandchildren, and all generations hereafter have the opportunities of faith that we have been so generously given.“
— Beth and Bob Hospadaruk

“We all enjoy the shade of trees planted by those who came before. The UUAA buildings and grounds, programs and ministries are made possible in part by those who were generous in their estate giving. In gratitude for this community we offer a share of our good fortune to help continue the work of UUAA as it plants a few new trees.“
— The Stalhandske Family