We Need a Social Justice Group for Reproductive Rights

We Need a Social Justice Group for Reproductive Rights

UUAA has not had a group focused on Reproductive Rights for a decade or more. We are seeking UUAA members who UUAA has not had a group focused on reproductive rights for a decade or more. We are seeking UUAA members who are interested in starting this new social justice group.

Why we need a social justice group for reproductive rights:

  • Social justice groups advocate for bodily autonomy and reproductive health.
  • They focus on marginalized communities to ensure access to reproductive healthcare (contraception, abortion, prenatal care). 
  • Reproductive justice includes the right to have children, to not have children, and to parent in safe environments.
  • Social justice groups address economic inequality and discrimination to promote equity.
  • They aim to empower individuals and eliminate barriers to reproductive choices. 

For more information, send an email to Sissel at socialjustice@uuaa.org.