Restorative Justice

Current Initiatives

Currently incarcerated

  • Leading Restorative Justice circles with National Lifers Association at Huron Valley Correctional Facility
  • Volunteering in the Women’s Huron Valley Commutation Project with American Friends Service Committee
  • Holiday greetings (Christmas and Valentine’s Day) to incarcerated with UUA Church of the Larger Fellowship and Women’s Huron Valley facility

Returning Citizens

  • Participating in a Solidarity Circle with recent female returning citizen
  • Gifting laundry baskets with toiletries, socks, blanket for returning citizens through A Brighter Way and American Friends Service Committee


  • Supporting Second Look legislation in Lansing
  • Co sponsoring forum on Washtenaw County Sheriff’s election – see more in Upcoming Events
  • Initiating state-wide UU Restorative Justice/Prison Ministry Group with MUUSJN (Michigan UU Social Justice Network)


  • Book discussion- Becoming Ms. Burton by Susan Burton and Cari Lynn – see more in Upcoming Events
  • National Association of Community Restorative Justice National Conference – July 2024 – see more in Upcoming Events

Additional Resources

See our exciting list of Upcoming Events in 2024!

  • Click on Upcoming Events and Suggested Viewing for links to Washtenaw County Judicial forums where candidates are asked a question on Restorative Justice.
  • Coming soon – our RJ members will share a presentation they gave at the National Restorative Justice Conference in Washington DC this past summer: Circles Inside and Outside: for the Women at Huron Valley Correctional Facility and Beyond.  Zoom link is available by emailing:  Watch the UUAA weekly newsletter for date, time and place announcement.

Suggested viewing list

Suggested reading list

Want to Learn More?

We welcome you to our monthly meetings usually on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 7-8:30 p.m.
For the link and information, please contact