Sept 15th Sunday – two services

Sept 15th Sunday – two services

Sunday September 15th, Two Services at 9:30am and 11:30am, in person and online at
After Service Social Hours, 10:30am and 12:30pm in the Social Hall

Make of your hand a sanctuary

As the new church year starts, it’s a perfect time to think about all the ways we gather as a community. This Sunday we will learn about a new model for Spiritual Growth and Development (SGD) for our youth programming, and we’ll offer a blessing to those who volunteer in SGD. We’ll engage in a meditation and reflection on all the ways we can use our hands to further our commitment to community and service. The presence of the Y’all Come Singers embodies our commitment to community experiences; all are welcome to join the choir at 8:30 am and/or 10:45 to learn some music and then stay to sing in the service.

A PDF version of the order of service is available by Saturday of each week at [use the electronic version to help UUAA with our Zero Waste goal.]