Social Justice Council

Social Justice at UUAA

We live our beliefs by creating, sustaining, and enhancing programs that actively engage congregants of all ages in projects that promote peace, justice, and positive environmental action locally and beyond.

We strive to be a congregation that:

  • Acts in concrete and substantial ways to promote social and economic justice and to protect the natural environment.
  • Participates in programs that promote peace and understanding in the world.

The Social Justice Council’s Mission

To coordinate, support and inspire the congregation’s efforts to advocate, educate, organize, serve and witness for social action and to establish the UUAA as a leader for social justice.

Our meetings are scheduled the 2nd Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. If you would like to attend one of our meetings, please contact

Please browse this website to learn about the many Social Justice groups at UUAA and please read our congregation’s Vision 2050 articulation of our united efforts to address climate & environmental issues, racism and oppression.

The following documents can be downloaded for additional information:

Social Justice Council Handbook

Social Justice Brochure

Application to create a new Social Justice Group or Project (MS-Word)

Annual Planning and Budget Request Form (PDF)
Annual Planning and Budget Request Form (MS-Word)

Project Report (PDF)
Project Report (MS-Word)Application to create a new Social Justice Group or Project (PDF)