Spiritual and Social Groups
Looking for connection and community? We have it here. Our congregation has numerous groups that serve to create smaller, tight-knit communities within the larger church.
We have groups based on common interests, shared identities, or spiritual connections and discussion.
See a sampling of what we have to offer below, or learn more about all our groups.

Community of Writers
This group is based on the premise that every person is a writer. The Community of Writers read and support each other’s work and hold semi-annual formal readings that are open to the congregation.
Adult writers (beginning, intermediate, advanced, potential) interested in an open, supportive community to foster self-awareness, spiritual growth, creative expression, communication and social witness through the writing arts are invited to join the UUAA Community of Writers. In each session, everyone is invited to share their writings with the group, in confidence and with appreciative feedback.

Fiber Arts Group
Come knit, crochet, embroider, or engage in some form of fiber arts together. UUAA Fiber Arts Group meets twice a month for fellowship and sharing of knowledge and ideas. Whether you are a beginner looking for support or an experienced crafter, all are welcome. If you would like to make comfort shawls or baby blankets for Pastoral Care, arrangements can be made to supply you with the yarn and pattern.

WomUUn’s Council and WomUUn’s Community
If you identify as a woman, we invite you to join our UUAA WomUUn’s Community. Here you’ll find a huge variety of activities and sub-groups to satisfy your need for connection with, and support from, other women. The UUAA WomUUn’s Council is the volunteer leadership team that coordinates social activities, educational programming, advocacy, pastoral care and other connection opportunities for people at UUAA who identify as women in any way that is significant to them.