Alpha House Host Week

Alpha House Host Week

Monday – Sunday, April 8 – 14

Alpha House is a shelter for families temporarily experiencing homelessness. UUAA has been a supporting congregation for over 30 years. 

For the host week, we are still in need of volunteers for:

  • Monday, April 8: Craft time with Lindsay
  • Wednesday, April 10: Heat dinner and pack leftovers with Sandy
  • Friday, April 12: Pizza pickup
  • Sunday, April 14: Craft time with Lindsay

To sign up online click here

In the meantime, we also need a few volunteers to sit at our Social Hall table to recruit volunteers. Please check out the dates and sign up here.

Cancelled due to illness: Before our host week, you are cordially invited to a sneak preview of the new residential wing at Alpha House before it opens to the general public.