Upcoming  Transylvania Trip- 5/19 Potluck and Information Session

Upcoming  Transylvania Trip- 5/19 Potluck and Information Session

Sunday, May 19, 2024, 1:20pm – 3:00pm, Fahs Chapel

Our congregation has  made four visits to Transylvania since 2008 visiting our partners there. We’ve stayed in their homes, shared many meals, and learned much about the region, which is the birthplace of Unitarianism.

We’re making plans for a trip in September of this year. Interested people will participate in the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women (ICUUW), which takes place in Kolozvar, Romania September 5 – 8. For more info, follow this link.  Fund-raising efforts by this group have supported relief efforts for Ukraine, both in Romania and in Ukraine. 

There will be tours for those who do not want to attend the convocation. We continue to work on the details. We know we will visit our partners in Kezdivasarhely and their village. Our tours have always included visits to places of historical and religious significance.  

Want to learn more about how to participate? Join us for the potluck dinner in Fahs Chapel on Sunday, May 19 at 1:20pm.