UUSC Donations
When you purchase items from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) coffee table you are contributing in a variety of ways. Your purchase helps support Equal Exchange Fair Trade (EEFT), small, co-operative organic farming communities, UUAA, and UUSC. The EEFT co-ops benefit from not having a middle man in their sales. Each year we give contributions from our sales to our own UUAA general fund and to the UUSC for all their efforts to provide support both here in the US and places all over the world where disaster strikes, such as Gaza and California.
Our total contributions in 2024 were $3400 ($850 UUSC, $2550 UUAA). That’s $200 more than last year ($800, $2400).
Questions? Kudos? Contact coffee@uuaa.org.