We Need Spiritual Growth and Development (SGD) Teachers for 2023/2024

We Need Spiritual Growth and Development (SGD) Teachers for 2023/2024

We need your help! Our recruitment for SGD teachers is lagging. Some veterans have decided to step back, leaving us with a higher number of unfilled roles. In addition, we are hoping to reintroduce the 9th grade Coming of Age program as well as separate the 6th and 7th graders into separate classrooms again, adding to our needs. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about volunteering but haven’t felt the call to jump in yet. Or perhaps you used to teach in a classroom and are ready to try again. If we don’t fill these teaching teams, we won’t be able to offer the variety of spiritual growth opportunities that have come to define our program. For most classes, you would be expected to lead teach once a month and assist once a month. Please consider stepping forward! Email stella@uuaa.org