Zero Waste at UUAA

Zero Waste at UUAA

We’ve been practicing Zero Waste with our food scraps for several months. Even if there are no bin monitors to assist you, we still expect everyone to take their time and put their waste in the proper bins—compost, recyclable, or landfill. Pause, read the display cards, or ask someone else to help you make the right choice. Hint, you might want to ask one of our children or youth, they always seem to get it right! 

In other Zero Waste news:

  • Friday Fun Night (FFN) on April 19 is a bring-your-own-place-setting event. Help minimize the cost of expensive compostable plates, cups, and napkins by bringing your own dishes from home.
  • FFN also needs bin monitors that evening, to help with the large number of people using the Zero Waste system. Please volunteer.
  • Remember the Waste Not and Want Not Program sponsored by the Fiber Arts group. You can drop your unused or leftover craft materials in the bin outside of rev. theresa’s office.

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