On Sunday, April 30 there will be a live streamed service at 10:30a.m. leading in to a special
Congregational Meeting at 11:00a.m. (running through 12:30pm). The Board of Trustees scheduled this meeting for two main purposes. The first item of business will be to consider and vote on the purchase of solar panels, according to our Capital Campaign plans for monies collected last year. The UUAA bylaws (Section 2.1.3) call for a vote by the congregation on any capital expenditure that exceed 5% of the total annual operating budget; thus even though the monies were given with the expectation of the solar panel expenditure, we must officially vote.
The second main item on the agenda will be a conversation about the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) proposed changes to Article 2 bylaws, under which our UU Principles are contained. As most are probably aware, there are very distinct changes being proposed at the UUA General Assembly this spring. (The changes would have to be passed two years in a row to take effect.) While the UUAA does not instruct its UUA General Assembly delegates on how to vote, the Board believes it would be helpful for the congregation to have a chance to talk about the proposed changes, and thereby give the UUAA delegates an opportunity to hear a variety of viewpoints from the congregation before they vote at the General Assembly.
Get background materials, meeting details, and the registration link here.
The meeting will be held via zoom and participants must register here. , to watch the service and participate in the meeting: