Climate Action | Climate Justice

Our Vision 2050 document reminds us that UUAA has a long history of social action and involvement in environmental issues, We are called to learn all we can; we are called to seek new ways of being in relationship with our natural world.

Reflections on the Sept 28-29 UU CLIMATE JUSTICE REVIVAL

Re-imagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Erais a project of the UU Climate Justice Coalition and Friends. The Revival builds on decades of faithful and visionary UU climate and environmental leadership and is designed to encourage collaboration amongst congregational teams and break down silos. Together, we can move past systems and cultures of extraction to usher in a new era with love and justice at the center of our climate actions.

A huge THANK YOU to all of the volunteers and all of the participants in our very successful, first ever, UU Climate Justice Revival over the weekend of Sept 28-29th. There were many meaningful conversations during the Saturday Workshops and great spirit during the Community Sing. And at the Sunday services we were treated to a sermon from our special guest Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, UUA President.  We also sang and heard the Chalice Singers and Chalice Sparks perform new music commissioned especially for the revival. AND, UUAA proudly waved colorful flags as we received our Green Sanctuary 2030 Recognition from Rev Dr. Betancourt and Rachel Myslivy, Climate Justice Strategist, UUA’s Side With Love Organizing Strategy Team. .

View the recorded Sept 29th service at

Outcomes from the Workshop discussions and mappings will be available soon. Watch this page form more.

During our Action Hour following each service we urged all UUAA congregants to get involved in promoting community solar energy in Michigan! Community Solar is a justice issue– Community Solar allows people who live in apartments and rentals to share in the clean energy/ cost reduction revolution. The UU Civs team provided information and postcards for contacting legislators. Learn more about the state level community solar legislation with this information from Citizens Climate Lobby. And learn more about Ann Arbor’s November’s ballot Proposal A to establish a Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU)

Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, UUA President, is is a minister, educator, scholar, vocalist, poet, fiber artist, and change-maker.

Rev. Sofía opened and closed our Saturday workshops and both sang and preached at both services on Sunday, September 29th.

Rachel Myslivy is the Climate Justice Strategist for the UUA’s Side With Love Organizing Strategy Team and a key leader for the UU Climate Justice Revival. Rachel also leads the Green Sanctuary 2030 program and has helped guide UUAA to our GS 2030 recognition.

Was this Revival about carbon emissions? Not at all! We talked about the intersectionality of all of our justice work. Want to know more about what that means? Please watch this 3 minute video from Rachel Myslivy.

Want to explore more connections between Climate Justice and other justice issues like economic justice and gender justice? Watch this Side With Love series of videos ” Climate at the Intersections.

flower artwork

CONGRATULATIONS to Ed Lynn- Sermon Contest Winner!

Ed Lynn’s sermon entitled “Here” is a winner of the UU Climate Justice Revival Sermon Contest. 64 sermons were submitted and Ed’s was one of 8 selected as best speaking to “How would our world transform if love was at the center of our climate actions and collective liberation were upheld as a uniting goal across all of the movement spaces that matter most?”

You can read or watch Ed’s sermon at this link.

CONGRATULATIONS to Julie Tanguay- Art Contest Winner!

Julie’s watercolor art (shown here and on display at UUAA, won the national competition for artwork themed “Love at the Center”. There were 3 categories in the contest: Love at the Center, Reimagining Together, and Abolitionist Visions of Climate Justice.

Beautifully done, Julie!

Year Zero Logo

2024 is YEAR ZERO at UUAA

What is Year Zero? 2024 is a year of amazing progress on UUAA’s Vision 2050 climate goals. We are going full speed ahead to get as close as possible to

Learn more about the Climate Action | Climate Justice team


27 years ago we designed the roof of the UUAA building to harvest the sun. The generosity of this congregation has made that beautiful goal a reality. Thank you capital campaign donors and thank you visualizers.

Installation of Our New Solar Panels Began on Earth Day

On April 22, 2024, Homeland Solar began the installation of 268 new solar panels on our roof. We now have 370 rooftop solar panels.  With the 10 panels on the tracker in front of the building, our total of 380 solar panels is capable of producing almost 160,000 kWh of electricity annually.

Before Covid we used about 200,000 kWh per year.  In the last few years, we have modified building use, installed energy efficient lighting and addressed all of our energy audit issues so that we are now using135-140 kWh annually – total, including solar. Significant progress… with more to come. (Contact if you have ideas for getting closer to zero.)

Thank you to Mike Halerz for this exciting drone view of our solar array!


We have been recycling and working on reducing waste at UUAA for a long time.

NEW in January, 2024– We contracted with a composting service (MyGreen Michigan) and have been expanding our care for our planet by reducing what we send to landfills. You can even bring your food scraps from home if you aren’t able to compost.

Everyone has been helping UUAA get to Zero Waste by learning what should get recycled and what goes in our compost. A team of volunteers has helped this work go smoothly. UUAA’s Food Justice Team is leading our Zero Waste efforts– Volunteer to help:

You probably want to reduce food waste at home, too! For tips on Zero Waste at home and in the wider community, click on this link.

Other ways UUAA is reducing waste include using ceramic mugs for coffee and reusable dishes for events (backed up by compostables), adding a 2nd dishwasher to support the move to ‘real’ dishes,  and more. The Fiber Arts Group now has a box where congregants can leave excess yarn and craft materials for others to use.

Thank you to all who attended and supported UUAA’s EARTH DAY Celebrations 4/19 & 4/21

Friday Fun Night April 19th featured fun, food, crafts, music and storytelling.

The 4/21 Earth Day Service and Celebrations featured a Dirt Communion, a Tree of Action, Music from the Chalice Bells, an outdoor ceremony in the Ancestors’ Grove, and during the social hours: an Art & Poetry Show, zero waste and zero carbon information, games and crafts for all ages. A few hardy UU’s took a walk on our muddy trails and planted red clover that will stabilize soil and provide more beauty for us to gaze upon.

Thank you to the many contributing UUAA groups! Climate Action, Food Justice, Zero Waste Team, UUAA Painters, Community of Writers, Fiber Arts, Partner Church, Equal Exchange Coffee, UU Civs, Community Walks, Habitat for Humanity Team and of course the awesome UUAA staff, worship team and music ministries.

The Climate Action | Climate Justice Team

The Climate Action/ Climate Justice team lifts up, encourages, inspires and celebrates the many ways UUAA groups are working on our Vision 2050 climate goals to build a cleaner and healthier world for our children and grandchildren.  We are on the front lines of overseeing the climate & environmentalism goals described in A Congregational Vision, the document that was created from a 2 year congregational visioning project.

UUAA wants to live into Unitarian Universalism’s 7th Principle, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part” by serving as an example of sustainable living in right relationship with the natural world. We want to learn about climate issues together. We want to further build on our past renewable energy projects to reach carbon neutrality. We want to broaden our view of climate action to include justice for vulnerable communities most affected by, and least responsible for climate change.

How you can help

The entire UUAA congregation, all ages and all interests, is needed to help UUAA shrink our carbon footprint, work for climate justice in our community and support each other in our climate learning. You can be part of this effort at whatever level of involvement works for you, from becoming more diligent about your home recycling and food waste, to leading a multi-year climate project. To add your address to the climate action email list, contact Click the button below to read a summary of our multi-year Climate Action Plan, mapping our work together over the next several years!

Recent climate projects throughout UUAA have included: expansion of our rooftop solar, the Zero Waste campaign, planting an “Ancestors’ Grove” of trees, helping plan and run the 2nd Annual A2 Climate Teach-in, holding an all congregation celebration of climate work on Friday Fun Night and Earth Day 2024, a Green Corner column in our Weekly News, a climate potluck last summer and much more.

Green Sanctuary 2030

Green Sanctuary 2030 Logo

To help us organize our efforts to lower our carbon footprint, build sustainability, partner with local climate justice groups, and learn alongside other UU congregations, UUAA enrolled in the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA) Green Sanctuary 2030 program. The steps we have completed are:

1- [Submitted March, 2021] Write a Congregational Profile that grounds our work in our congregation’s history and past / current environmental projects. Learn about our foundations in environmentalism by reading UUAA’s Congregational Profile.

2- [Submitted June, 2022] Write an Opportunity Assessment showing potential actions we might take over the next several years. These proposed actions were gathered from a survey of the congregation, many meetings with current UUAA groups, connections with Ann Arbor and UU climate based organizations and more. Please read the “in brief” version of the Opportunity Assessment, or the full text as submitted.

3- An Action Plan to guide several years of work together. The plan is based on our current information… and subject to change and evolve as technology changes, passions of the congregation emerge and the world changes around us.

4- We have been submitting “Action Reports” on the many climate events and projects at UUAA as they occur. We received recognition for our climate work from the GS 2030 leadership at the 2024 UU Climate Justice Revival. UUAA will remain active with the GS 2030 group indefinitely.

UUAA 2021 Collaboration with the U-M Graham Sustainability Institute

UM Graham Sustainability Institute logo

A team of University of Michigan students led a project  to look at UUAA’s building and internal processes to make recommendations for working toward our energy goals. The team collaborated with six UUAA members, staff, and ministry group leaders, including Ed Lynn, Jeannine LaPrad, Colleen Crawley, Don Hackney, and Dave Friedrichs. Elizabeth LaPorte facilitated the project as part of the U-M Graham Sustainability Scholars Program, which she manages. Their report was submitted in March, 2021 and recommended actions are already underway.

The team divided the analyses and recommendations into four categories.Some of the recommendations are listed briefly in each category below. Full reports are linked under the bulleted lists..

 Interested in helping sort out the priorities and do some planning for this initiative? Email

Zero Waste

  • Form a volunteer driven recycling collaboration with other area religious organizations.
  • Move to using compostable-ware and hold zero waste events.
  • Create a zero waste culture.

— Read the Guide for a path to Zero Waste.

Building & Energy

  • Conduct a building energy audit.
  • Install more LED lights.
  • Install more solar panels on the roof.
  • Explore the possibility of geothermal heating.

Read the UUAA Building & Energy Analysis Report.


  •  Incorporate more native plants.
  • Create learning spaces where people can engage and learn about the environment.
  • Plant for carbon sequestration.
  • Create landscaping projects and learning guides for all ages.

— Read the recommendations for using landscaping to help reach carbon neutrality.

Building Congregational Engagement in Sustainability

  • Use the event toolkit provided to plan sustainability events that engage all ages.
  • Make a sustainability checklist that groups can use when planning events.

— Read the recommendations for projects to engage the whole congregation in thinking sustainability.

Time frame recommendations –

Graham Report Recommendations