Social Justice Groups
Social Justice is at the core of this congregation’s identity. We are called to put our faith into action to build a world that is just, peaceful, and sustainable. We seek to empower our congregation’s members to become a voice for liberal religion in our community and beyond. UUAA’s “Vision 2050” calls us to work together toward a planet that is sustainable and healthy for all, a society that is free of racism and oppression, and a congregation known for radical welcome to all who share our vision.
Much of this work is done through the Social Justice groups of the congregation. A small sample of the work being done at UUAA is included below. Please visit our group directory to find out about all our social justice groups:

Food Justice Team
The Food Justice Team encourages UUAA and the wider community to become informed about and advocate for:
- human health
- humane treatment of animals
- fair treatment of food and farm workers
- policies that affect the environment, consumers, farms, and all those involved in food production and distribution.
There are many ways to work on food justice – from educational events, to plant-powered potlucks, to getting your hands into the dirt helping local farms. Join us!

Alpha House
Each year, UUAA hosts four weeks to provide volunteers to work at Alpha House, a shelter dedicated to providing stable housing for families experiencing homelessness. Over these four weeks, UUAA sends over 100 volunteers to provide meals, serve meals, supervise kids’ activities, sleep overnight, or provide needed donations.
Please consider volunteering to help support homeless families in our community by providing or preparing food, or supervising kids activities as an Alpha House volunteer. This is a great opportunity to join together to help others.

Habitat for Humanity
We are part of an interfaith group of 13 area congregations, the “Good News Group” that has been working together since 1997 in partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley. We have helped 35 families (with over 66 children!) move into affordable, very energy efficient housing, primarily in Ypsilanti neighborhoods. We help families, neighborhoods, and the environment-and we laugh and have fun while doing it. Click on this link to view a map of the homes we have built and renovated in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti area.